Hello! 👋  I'm Space.

I'm a full-stack designer who loves creating meaningful products that bring communities together.

My background in web development and process analysis gives me a kaleidoscope view and collaborative nature.

When I'm not trying to make a difference in the world, I can be found with my headphones on high, adventuring with a film camera, playing the ukulele, or practicing yoga. INFP!

small spheres orbiting a picture of a person smilingsmall spheres orbiting a picture of a person smiling

My story


I began my UX journey at Electronic Arts as a technical advisor. After uncovering gaps in customer support workflows, I started collaborating with the process team to implement small improvements that led to significant increases in KPIs for account verification. I was then selected for a series of UX "shadow sessions," where I collaborated with the UX team on our internal support tool and was introduced to user experience design for the first time. After one year, I left to pursue my degree in UX Design full-time.

2019 - 2020

While in school, I worked part-time for a local dive bar that had minimal online presence. As I learned different techniques and concepts in my school projects, I combined my new UX skills with my previous knowledge of web development (thanks MySpace!). I updated the restaurant website, improved some POS system task flows, and implemented QR-code friendly menus after Covid. From there, I started to work with other small local businesses to help update their website and practice different UX methods.

2021 - NOW

I pivoted into public sector work at the Texas Geographic Information Office, where I started as a Data + Design Intern to help design, build, and launch a statewide water data hub. The success of that project led to the creation of my permanent role as the agency's first UX/UI Designer, where I work alongside developers, GIS specialists, and marketing strategists to improve GIS technology and make open data more accessible to the public.

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